Top 10 php Frameworks MVC in 2017

Voordat u begint met de lijst van de top 10 PHP frameworks in 2017 : PHP is een van de meest favoriete programmeer talen en staat bekend om zijn eenvoud, PHP frameworks zijn een aanvulling op PHP. MVC frames kunnen de ontwikkeling versnellen en componenten zijn herbruikbaar, waardoor er een snellere ontwikkelingscycli kan ontstaan in webprojecten.
Hieronder een vergelijking, gedaan via Google Trends. Aanvullend een cirkel diagram die in het kort de populairste Php frameworks in beeld zet :

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Wat is MVC

Model-view-controller (of MVC) is een ontwerppatroon ("design pattern") dat het ontwerp van complexe toepassingen opdeelt in drie eenheden met verschillende verantwoordelijkheden: datamodel (model), datapresentatie (view) en applicatielogica (controller). Het scheiden van deze verantwoordelijkheden bevordert de leesbaarheid en herbruikbaarheid van code. Het maakt ook dat bijvoorbeeld veranderingen in de gebruikersinterface niet direct invloed hebben op het datamodel en vice versa. MVC werd voor het eerst gebruikt in de eerste implementaties van Smalltalk.

Php frameworks in beeld :

1. Laravel

Website :

Voordelen :
• Organize files and code
• Rapid application development
• MVC architecture (and PHP7)
• Unit testing (FAST on HHVM)
• Best documentation of any
• High level of abstraction
• Overloading capabilities using dynamic methods
• Tons of out of the box functionality
• payment integration with stripe
• very strong encryption packages

• ORM • Does NOT work on Shared hosting plans
• Does Many queries on your database

Eisen php versie :
PHP 5.5.9 or higher

2. CodeIgniter


· Very developer friendly Doesn't need any special dependencies or supports
· Ability to use normal web hosting services well, using standard databases such as MySQL
· Outperforms most other frameworks (non MVC)
· Good documentation and LTS (Long Term Support)

· No namespace's, however this can speed up
· Not as friendly towards unit testing as others
· Few libraries that are built inside the framework

Eisen php versie :
PHP 5.6 or higher

3. Symphony

Website :

• High performance, due to byte code caching
• Stable
• Well documented, maintained, and supported
• Very good support and is very mature

Nadelen :
• While the documentation is good, there is a steep learning curve.
• Companies are moving to MVC Framework architectures and Symfony2 does not support MVC.

Eisen php versie :
PHP 5.5.9 or higher

4. Zend Frame


· Ideal for enterprise applications
· Object oriented
· Tons of components for validation, feeds, and forms
· Decoupled
· Integrate with Whatever you Want! (for example doctrine, Symfony etc..)
· Guidelines and Standards : These strict guidelines ensure that you only use readable, high-quality code
· Magento is built on Zend Framework heeft een voorkeur voor Zend Frame omdat het makkelijk werkt met andere frames en bibliotheken

· Not as ideal for rapid application development

Eisen php versie :
ZF1: PHP >= 5.2.4
ZF2: PHP >= 5.3
ZF3: PHP >= 5.6 optimized for PHP 7.

5. Yii Framework


· Rewrite of yii1, another popular web application framework
· Very modern and flexible
· One of the oldest php frameworks to date still supported
· Packages for authentication and security
· Short rapid development time
· Lots of configuration, partially for speeding things up

· NO built-in allowances at all
· While lettering code within Yii, if you aren't organized, it can easily get messy

Eisen php versie :
The minimum required PHP version of Yii is PHP 5.4.
It works best with PHP 7.

6. CakePHP


· Modern framework · Supports PHP 5.5+
· Scaffholding system and Fast builds
· Very good for commercial web applications (MIT License)
· Database Access, Caching, Validation, Authentication, are built in
· Extensive safekeeping tools include cross site
· scripting prevention, SQL Injection prevention,
· CSRF, and Form Validation · Good Documentation
· Actively developed

· Not as good for constructing Restful APIS as Laravel or others listed

Eisen php versie :
PHP 5.6 or higher

7. FuelPHP


· Caching is Optional · Authentication packages
· Restful building · URL routing
· Modular with integrated ORM
· New version will be fully object oriented, can be installed using composer, and one installation can
· supports multiple applications

· Not very beginner friendly (slim support documentation)
· It is a relatively new framework with less support
· Open source Community contributions are less than others (like Laravel and Phalcon)

Eisen php versie :
Version 5.3.3 or greater is required. PHP 7 is fully supported.

8. Fat-Free Framework


· Light weight
· Small learning curve
· Very fast with optimizations for URL routing, cache engines, code
· Good for multilingual applications
· Off the shelf support for SQL or No SQL
· Databases
· Tons of packages including unit testing, image
· Processing, JavaScript / CSS compressing, data validation, Open id and more

· Kind of overkill for a micro framework
· No new options compared to others
· There is code repetition is places other MVC frameworks can take care of

Eisen php versie :
PHP 5.4 or higher

9. Aura Framework


· Slim and lightweight
· Getting started guide
· Perfect for Small rest apis
· Actively developed
· Add-ons include: HTTP Caching, & Flash

· Very new framework so its soon to tell

Eisen php versie :
PHP 5.4 or higher

10. Phalcon (1 van de overige)


Website :

• Blazing fast with low overheads
• Auto loading
• Unique in that it is based as a C-extension
• VERY good Security features built-in
• Lots of documentation
• Developer friendly

Nadelen :
• Not as open source as Laravel
• Bugs need waiting to be patches by developers of Phalcon
• Does not work with HHVM

Eisen php versie :
PHP 5.5.x/5.6.x/7.0.x/7.1.x development resources